PRESS Charles Arthur, Haitian sculptors give British audiences a new perspective,; (April 2007) download pdf Chenald Augustin, Haïti: La vie, la mort et le sexe chez les sculpteurs de la Grand-rue, LeGrace Benson, Gede on Grand Rue: Some lines of enquiry to follow, Journal of Haitian Studies, (Vol. 10 # 2 2004) download pdf Andrew Buncombe, Forged in the Fire, Independent Magazine, (24th February 2007) Carol Damian, Lespri Endepandan: Discovering Haitian Sculpture, Art Nexus, (Vol. 3 # 55, 2005) Roni Feinstein, Report from Miami: Haitian Spirits, Art in America, (November 2005) Leah Gordon, The Scuptors of Grand Rue: Reinterpreting Slavery, Dazed & Confused (March 2007) download pdf Leah Gordon, The Sculptors of Grand Rue, Raw Vision, (RV65 Winter 2008/09) Eric Grimes, Vodou Riche: Contemporary Haitian Art, Kansas City News, Review Magazine, (January 2008) download pdf Jenny Maki, Vodou Riche: Contemporary Haitian Art, African Arts, (Summer 2008) Barbara Prézeau, La Ville Chaos et ses Héros de la Récupération, Cariforum, (# 14, Nov 2004) Barbara Prézeau-Stephenson, La Ciudad Caos y sus Héroes de la Recuperación, Casa de la Americas, (#233, oct-dec 2003) Arnaud Robert, Panthéon Baroque à Haiti, Courier International, (#752, 31 march-6 april 2005) Polly Savage, The Germ of the Future, Ghetto Biennale, Port au Prince, Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, (Vol 24, issue 4, July 2010) Full text Alfredo Triff, The Unseen Haiti, Miami New Times, (Vol. 18 # 20, Sept 30th 2004) Antonio Zaya, A portfolio by André Eugene Jean Robert & Jean Herald Celeur, AtlAntica: Revista de Arte y Pensiamento, (Issue # 36, Autumn 2003)
PUBLICATIONS Lespri Endepandan: Discovering Haitian Sculpture, (The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University 2004)
RELEASED FILM DOCUMENTARY E Pluribus Unum by Maxence Denis 2002 22 min colour DVD edition & distribution by Collectif 2004 Images - creole dialogue with english/ french subtitles Atis Rezistans : The Sculptors of Grand Rue by Leah Gordon 2009 34 min colour DVD edition - view below |